MSP Excellence On Demand Webinars

Being an MSP is both challenging and rewarding. TMG’s on-demand webinars encompass a variety of educational topics, including credentialing, leadership, career development, and legal issues.

Scroll down to browse MSP Excellence on-demand webinars, or tap on a link to jump to your area of interest.

FQHC Frontiers
  • Gateway to FQHCs: Unveiling Opportunities for MSPs
  • Navigating the Currents: Charting HR Innovations in FQHCs (available 8/21/24)
  • Charting the Course: Mapping Privileging Pathways in FQHCs (available 9/11/24)
  • Blueprint for Success: Provider Enrollment in FQHCs (available 10/16/24)
  • Vision for Excellence: Advancing Peer Review in FQHCs (available 1/15/25)
  • Peak Performance: Mastering Quality in FQHCs (available 2/19/25)

$35 each or $175 for 6-part series

Managed Care Magic
  • Completing the Puzzle: Who’s Who in Managed Care Credentialing
  • Building the Guardrails: Managed Care Governance & Policy
  • Verification Station: Managed Care Compliance Across Accreditors
  • Emerging Issues: Ongoing Monitoring & System Controls
  • Diving Deep: The Ins & Outs of Delegated Credentialing
  • Acing the Audit: Avoiding Common Deficiencies

$35 each or $175 for 6-part series

Career Rocket
  • Career Cheerleading: Peers, Coaches, Mentors, Champions
  • Taking the Leap: Embracing a Career Pivot
  • Blastoff! Rocking Your Résumé
  • Acing the Interview: Tips & Tools for Gaining an Edge
  • The Whole Package: Personal Branding for Career Success
  • Bargaining Chips: Negotiating for the Win

$35 each or $175 for 6-part series

Legal Bond
  • The Leading Edge: Emerging Issues in Medical Staff Bylaws
  • Integrity & Ethics: Reporting Poor Provider Behavior
  • Snapshot: Reappointment Time Frames Under State Law
  • The Fine Print: Operational Contracts Impacting MSS

$35 each or $120 for 4-part series

Ask Me Anything
  • June 7, 2023 Ask Me Anything
  • August 31, 2023 Ask Me Anything
  • December 6, 2023 Ask Me Anything
  • March 6, 2024 Ask Me Anything


MAMSS Blue Skies Ahead
  • Racing to the Finish Line: How to Win at Delegated Credentialing
  • Down to Earth: Real Talk About Credentialing Systems
  • New Horizons: Linking Healthcare Quality to Physician Competence
  • Making Connections: Telemedicine & Credentialing by Proxy
  • Gold Star Credentialing: Best Practices for Achieving Compliance
  • Better Together: Merging Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

$30 each or $175 for 6-part series

Sharpening Our Skills
  • The Future is Now: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Medical Staff Services
  • By the Numbers: Revenue Management Through Performance Data
  • Start Your Engines! Telemedicine & Credentialing by Proxy
  • Turn the Page: The New Era of Credentialing
  • Merge Ahead: Trends in Credentialing and Payer Enrollment
  • Career Catapult: Certifications Pave the Way for Advancement (complimentary webinar)

$35 each

Reflection & Momentum
  • Threading the Needle: Merging Credentialing and Payer Enrollment
  • Compliance: Oh, That’s What You Mean!
  • Looking Deeper: Quality Data Matters
  • Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Why it Matters

$35 each; $120 for 4-part series

Forward Together: Learning & Thriving
  • Down to Earth: Real Talk About Credentialing Systems
  • The Sky’s the Limit: Mastering Change, Radiating Confidence
  • New Horizons: Linking Healthcare Quality to Physician Competence

$35 each; $90 for 3-part series

Soaring Higher, Shining Brighter
  • Cross Generational Teamwork: Unlocking the Keys to Success
  • Technology Junction: Finding Right-Fit Solutions
  • 20/20 Hindsight: Reflections on Disaster Privileging
  • Payer Enrollment 101 & 102: Meeting You Where You Are
  • Compassionate Accountability: Meeting You Where You Are

$35 each or $150 for 5-part series

Connecting the Dots
  • Intentional Productivity: Caring for Yourself While Working Remotely
  • Peak Performance: The Future of Credentialing
  • Stronger Together: Unifying Credentialing & Payer Enrollment

$35 each; $90 for 3-part series

Merging Credentialing & Payer Enrollment
  • What’s the Difference?
  • Challenges & Opportunities
  • What’s the Plan?
  • Temperature Check

$35 each; $120 for 4-part series

Credentialing Excellence
  • Where Do I Fit In?
  • Credentialing: Oh, That’s What You Mean!
  • COVID-19: Ready to Adapt to Rules Changes
  • Where’s My Risk Management Hat?
  • Let’s Solve the Standards Puzzle!
  • Ready, Set, Evaluate!
  • It’s Your Turn!

$35 each; $175 for 7-part series

Breaking New Ground
  • Peak Performance: Credentialing Best Practices
  • Countdown to Cooperation: Top 10 Payer Enrollment & Credentialing Solutions

$35 each; $60 for 2-part series

Personal & Professional Development
  • Innovation & Imagination: Solving Medical Staff Services Staffing Shortages
  • Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Why it Matters + Tame the Confusion: Working with the Non-Physician Practitioner
  • Career Catalyst: Develop Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Rebound Stronger: Recovering from Your Certification Exam
  • Sowing Seeds: Blossom in Your Workplace

$35 each

Dealing with COVID
  • Righting the Ship: Successfully Navigating COVID-19
  • Stronger Together: Payer Enrollment COVID-19 FAQS

$35 each


Season 1
Episode 1

Gateway to FQHCs: Unveiling Opportunities for MSPs

Discover what sets Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) apart, including their patient-centric models and unique funding structures. Join TMG in exploring how MSPs can transition their skills to these settings. Receive a roadmap to navigate and thrive in the FQHC landscape.

Presented by Tonya Graham and Michaela King. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/17/24.

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Season 1
Episode 6

Acing the Audit: Avoiding Common Deficiencies

Stellar managed care credentialing helps ensure quality care, patient and physician satisfaction, and cost management, but mistakes can happen. Join TMG in examining steps to take before, during and after an audit, recognizing the most common deficiencies in the audit process, and identifying corrective actions.

Presented by Rachelle Silva and Andrea Nyman. 1 Hour. Recorded 1/30/24.

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Season 1
Episode 5

Diving Deep: The Ins & Outs of Delegated Credentialing

Delegated credentialing can feel intimidating to both new and seasoned MSPs in the managed care environment. Join TMG in exploring the foundations of the delegated credentialing process, the elements of the delegation agreement, and the requirements for annual delegation oversight.

Presented by Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 11/28/23.

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Season 1
Episode 4

Emerging Issues: Ongoing Monitoring & System Controls

Ongoing monitoring and credentialing system controls are increasingly important in the managed care environment. Join TMG in exploring requirements for the frequency of monitoring, acceptable sources, and credentialing system controls monitoring and reporting requirements to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and confidentiality of credentialing information.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 10/31/23.

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Season 1
Episode 3

Building the Guardrails: Managed Care Governance & Policy

There are subtle and not-so-subtle differences among CMS, NCQA, and URAC verification standards. Join TMG to understand the nuances of the information that needs to be verified, acceptable sources outside of the primary source, required documentation, and verification/attestation time frames.

Presented by Rachelle Silva and Andrea Nyman. 1 Hour. Recorded 9/26/23.

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Season 1
Episode 2

Building the Guardrails: Managed Care Governance & Policy

Regulators and accrediting bodies are prescriptive about managed care committee responsibilities and governance policy language. Join TMG in exploring the necessary governance structure needed to successfully navigate the managed care landscape.

Presented by Rachelle Silva and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/29/23.

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Season 1
Episode 1

Completing the Puzzle: Who’s Who in Managed Care Credentialing

It’s crucial to have a solid grasp of the basics before diving into the deeper issues surrounding managed care credentialing. Join TMG in exploring the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in managed care and how the pieces of managed care fit together.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/25/23.

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Season 1
Episode 6

Bargaining Chips: Negotiating for the Win

Negotiation is key to creating a rewarding career, which is why it’s important to understand the nuances before you’ve been offered that job, promotion, or raise, Join Team Med Global and discover how to prepare for negotiations and why you may need to redefine “winning.”

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Joyce Moore. 1 Hour. Recorded 12/11/23.

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Season 1
Episode 5

The Whole Package: Personal Branding for Career Success

A holistic approach to career advancement takes more than a rock-solid resume. Developing a strong personal brand communicates and reinforces your value to a potential employer. Join Team Med Global for insights into how to define and highlight your personal brand.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 11/13/23.

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Season 1
Episode 4

Acing the Interview: Tips & Tools for Gaining an Edge

Everyone has butterflies before a job interview, but with the proper preparation you can gain an advantage over your competitors. Join Team Med Global for the toolkit and tips to take your interviewing skills to the next level.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Amy Wade. 1 Hour. Recorded 10/9/23.

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Season 1
Episode 3

Blastoff! Rocking Your Résumé

A powerful résumé blasts open doors of opportunity, but many don’t know where to start – or when to stop. Join Team Med Global for a roadmap to selling your skills and accomplishments, communicating your fit, and allowing your star to shine.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/14/23.

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Season 1
Episode 2

Taking the Leap: Embracing a Career Pivot

Fear of change can prevent you from taking advantage of opportunities and achieving your career goals. Join Team Med Global and explore strategies to dismantle internal roadblocks, recognize opportunities, and develop a change mindset.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Joyce Moore. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/10/23.

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Season 1
Episode 1

Career Cheerleading: Peers, Coaches, Mentors, Champions

Across the arc of your career, chances are good that you’ve relied on a cheerleader, acted as a cheerleader for someone else, or both. Join Team Med Global and discover the four types of supporters who can advance your career and how to best leverage their help.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Joyce Moore. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/12/23.

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March 6, 2024

Ask Me Anything

MSPs & PEPs have questions. TMG has answers. We brought together a team of experts to answer your most pressing questions. No Medical Staff Services industry topic was off-limits!

1 Hour. Recorded 3/6/24.

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December 6, 2023

Ask Me Anything

MSPs & PEPs have questions. TMG has answers. We brought together a team of experts to answer your most pressing questions. No Medical Staff Services industry topic was off-limits!

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Nicole Keller, Rachelle Silva, and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 12/6/23.

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June 7, 2023

Ask Me Anything

MSPs & PEPs have questions. TMG has answers. We brought together a team of experts to answer your most pressing questions. No Medical Staff Services industry topic was off-limits!

Presented by Nicole Keller, Rachelle Silva, and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/7/23.

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August 31, 2022

Ask Me Anything

MSPs & PEPs have questions. TMG has answers. We brought together a team of experts to answer your most pressing questions. No Medical Staff Services industry topic was off-limits!

Presented by Nicole Keller, Rachelle Silva, and Ivonne Oladunni. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/31/22.

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Episode 6

Better Together: Merging Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

Increasingly, healthcare organizations are combining payer enrollment and credentialing. This integration is occurring in environments ranging from hospital systems to managed care, often as a result of organizational mergers and acquisitions or departmental consolidations. Discover the functions of this new frontier, which include credentialing, billing, and contracting.

Presented by Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 10/27/22.

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Episode 5

Gold Star Credentialing: Best Practices for Achieving Compliance

Verifying and evaluating practitioner credentials is critical, but so is managing decision makers’ expectations and circumventing misunderstandings. Learn how to lay the groundwork for informed discussions about competency measurements among medical staff leaders, administrative leaders, and MSPs.

Presented by Rachelle Silva and Stephanie Russell. 1 Hour. Recorded 9/29/22.

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Episode 4

Making Connections: Telemedicine & Credentialing by Proxy

Telemedicine providers may never set foot in a facility, yet they’re held to the same standards as onsite physicians. Increase your knowledge of Medicare CoPs and other telemedicine accreditation standards, and how to onramp telemedicine credentialing and privileging into existing processes.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/25/22.

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Episode 3

New Horizons: Linking Healthcare Quality to Physician Competence

As healthcare quality data is increasingly tied to an organization’s revenue streams, MSPs must move beyond viewing physician performance solely as a credentialing tool. Explore the connections between credentialing and healthcare quality, along with the implications for the future of the MSP profession.

Presented by Donna Goesenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/28/22.

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Episode 2

Down to Earth: Real Talk About Credentialing Systems

While the healthcare system is relentlessly advancing and evolving, credentialing systems can remain mired in the Stone Age. Explore a new era of credentialing, one in which redesigned systems create efficiencies that deliver value throughout the organization.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Larry DeHoyos. Recorded 6/22/22.

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Episode 1

Racing to the Finish Line: How to Win at Delegated Credentialing

Delegated credentialing streamlines processes, but the delegator still must ensure that the delegated work conforms with industry standards. Learn winning negotiation tactics, accepted auditing standards and practices, and keys to relationship management.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/26/22.

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Sharpening Our Skills 6

The Future is Now: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Medical Staff Services

Harnessing artificial intelligence technologies can revolutionize administrative processes, streamline workflows, and improve efficiency and accuracy in Medical Staff Services. Join TMG and get a fresh perspective on AI’s practical applications and understand how to leverage this technology for optimal results.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Sally Smith. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/26/24

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Sharpening Our Skills 1

Start Your Engines! Telemedicine & Credentialing by Proxy

Telemedicine providers may never set foot in a facility, yet they’re held to the same standards as onsite physicians. Rev up your knowledge of Medicare CoPs and other telemedicine accreditation standards, and learn how to onramp telemedicine credentialing and privileging into existing processes.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/29/21

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Sharpening Our Skills 2

Turn the Page: The New Era of Credentialing

Credentialing is the cornerstone of patient safety. It’s also an ever-evolving field. Your credentialing journey begins with the basics and ends with the cutting-edge challenges destined to chart the future course of the industry. After building a foundation of credentialing verification basics, real-life scenarios illustrate how to navigate the nuances of interacting with stakeholders. Discover hot topics like telemedicine, locum tenens, and delegated credentialing.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Maya Royal. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/28/21

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Sharpening Our Skills 3

Merge Ahead: Trends in Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

Integrating payer enrollment and credentialing functions continues to gain momentum as consolidation efforts and mergers and acquisitions exponentially increase. Explore the implications of this new frontier, and get up to speed on understanding the big picture and nuances of credentialing and payer enrollment. Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 9/14/21

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 9/14/21

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Sharpening Our Skills 4

By the Numbers: Revenue Management Through Performance Data

Hospital pay-for-performance models are driven by federal and state requirements. Data is crucial to ensuring that performance goals are met. Learn how performance by the hospital, physician, and advanced practice professional directly impacts an organization’s bottom line.

Presented by Nicole Keller and Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 10/12/21

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Sharpening Our Skills 5

Career Catapult: Certifications Pave the Way for Advancement

Whether you’re actively seeking to advance in your career or are simply contemplating your options for the future, discover the value of obtaining the Executive Medical Services Professional and Executive Payer Enrollment Professional credential and the options available to achieve them.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Maggie Wilkerson. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/4/22.



Reflection & Momentum
Episode 1

Threading the Needle: Merging Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

The trend toward integrating payer enrollment and credentialing functions continues to gain momentum, leaving many MSPs in the dark. Discover this new frontier and the implications for the Medical Staff Services Professional. Then, follow the industry’s only Payer Enrollment Process Model to begin to build or validate the efficiency of your practice when enrolling practitioners in federal, state, and commercial plans.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/7/21

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Reflection & Momentum
Episode 2

Compliance: Oh, That’s What You Mean!

Credentialing practices and operational functions vary by environment, and it can be hard to sort out the alphabet soup of accreditation bodies. Decipher credentialing terminology and reveal credentialing differences in hospitals, managed care, practice management, and credentials verification organizations.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Rachelle Silva. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/14/21

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Reflection & Momentum
Episode 3

Looking Deeper: Quality Data Matters

Practitioner performance is increasingly tied to healthcare quality data and both impact an organization’s revenue streams. This means that physician performance metrics are more than a credentialing tool. Explore how the management of performance information is being used to advance patient care and increase reimbursements.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/21/21

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Reflection & Momentum
Episode 4

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Why it Matters

Great leadership is built on a foundation of authenticity, compassion, and strong boundaries. Navigating your emotional landscape is fundamental to your leadership success. Learn to develop the skills that help you connect with others, improve your communication, and maintain your resilience.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Stephanie Russell. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/28/21

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Forward Together
Episode 1

Down to Earth: Real Talk About Credentialing Systems

While the healthcare system is relentlessly advancing and evolving, credentialing systems can remain mired in the Stone Age. Explore a new era of credentialing, one in which redesigned systems create efficiencies that deliver value throughout the organization.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Larry DeHoyos. 1 Hour. Recorded 1/20/21

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Forward Together
Episode 2

The Sky’s the Limit: Mastering Change, Radiating Confidence

The most successful MSPs are those who can readily adapt to change. Flexibility and versatility are key to opening doors of opportunity. Learn how to develop the mindset that allows you to navigate evolving work environments, communicate effectively, and lead with confidence.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 3/17/21

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Forward Together
Episode 3

New Horizons: Linking Healthcare Quality to Physician Competence

As healthcare quality data is increasingly tied to an organization’s revenue streams, MSPs must move beyond viewing physician performance solely as a credentialing tool. Explore the connections between credentialing and healthcare quality, along with the implications for the future of the MSP profession.

Presented by Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/19/21

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Soaring Higher, Shining Brighter
Episode 1

Cross-Generational Teamwork: Unlocking the Keys to Success

Each generation has its own values, language, and priorities. Understand generational characteristics, unpack hidden biases, and leverage the unique perspectives of each generation leads to increased trust, better communication, and greater team success.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Stephanie Russell. 1 Hour. Recorded 11/12/20

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Soaring Higher, Shining Brighter
Episode 2

Technology Junction: Finding the Right-Fit Solutions

Technology can streamline processes designed to meet standards and improve workflow, or it can create roadblocks to success. Understand the purpose of technological tools and the indicators for effective implementation that are key to unlocking technology’s potential.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Jennifer Cloud. 1 Hour. Recorded 12/10/20

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Soaring Higher, Shining Brighter
Episode 3

20/20 Hindsight: Reflections on Disaster Privileging

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wild ride. MSPs have had to draw upon their knowledge and experience – and that of their colleagues – to navigate a stormy sea of new privileging guidelines and regulations. Lessons learned during the pandemic can lead to process improvements during the “new normal.”

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 1/4/21

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Soaring Higher, Shining Brighter
Episode 4

Payer Enrollment 101 & 201: Meeting You Where You Are

Timely payer enrollment is critical to an organization’s revenue stream, but staff members newly tasked with the payer enrollment function often don’t know where to turn. Those experienced in payer enrollment already know the basics, but need to stay abreast of emerging issues.

Presented by Lisa Deterding & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 2/11/21

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Soaring Higher, Shining Brighter
Episode 5

Compassionate Accountability: Achieving Excellence with Heart

Communication is central to virtually every task an MSP performs. Connecting to others with authenticity and compassion – especially when confronting bad behavior – allows you to maintain inner balance. Learn how to cultivate emotional intelligence that will serve you on the job and in the world.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Stephanie Russell. 1 Hour. Recorded 3/11/21

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Connecting the Dots
Episode 1

Intentional Productivity: Caring for Yourself While Working Remotely

Working remotely poses a host of personal and professional challenges that can leave us feeling less productive and more adrift. Map out strategies designed to help you thrive while working from home. Discover how self-care translates to increased effectiveness in every aspect of your life.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Stephanie Russell. 2 Hours. Recorded 12/16/20

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Connecting the Dots
Episode 2

Peak Performance: The Future of Credentialing

Credentialing is the cornerstone of patient safety. It’s also an ever-evolving field. Join in on a credentialing journey that begins with the basics and ends with the cutting-edge challenges destined to chart the future course of the industry. It’s a trek you won’t want to miss.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Nicole Keller & Stephanie Russell. 2 Hours. Recorded 1/26/21

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Connecting the Dots
Episode 3

Stronger Together: Unifying Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

Increasingly, healthcare organizations are combining payer enrollment and credentialing. This integration is occurring in environments ranging from hospital systems to managed care, often as a result of organizational mergers and acquisitions or departmental consolidations. Explore this exciting frontier!

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Nicole Keller & Stephanie Russell. 2 Hours. Recorded 2/16/21

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Merging Credentialing & Payer Enrollment
Episode 1

What’s the Difference?

Explore the unique functions of credentialing and payer enrollment, along with the parallels. Then, identify ways to collaborate. Finally, pinpoint the skills that are transferable from one area of responsibility to the other.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Larry DeHoyos & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/8/20

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Merging Credentialing & Payer Enrollment
Episode 2

Challenges & Opportunities

Merging credentialing and payer enrollment presents both challenges and opportunities. Understand potential conflicts and develop actionable strategies that mitigate challenges, then identify advantages to merging functions. Finally, delve into technological solutions that can ease the transition.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Larry DeHoyos & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/12/20

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Merging Credentialing & Payer Enrollment
Episode 3

What’s the Plan?

A robust implementation plan is key to merging credentialing, payer enrollment, billing, and contracting. Discover how to integrate Team Med Global’s payer enrollment model into enrollment best practices, as well as benchmarks to include in a transition blueprint.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Larry DeHoyos & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded on 7/10/20

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Merging Credentialing & Payer Enrollment
Episode 4

Temperature Check

It’s critical to evaluate the effectiveness of credentialing and payer enrollment integration. Learn the formula for avoiding duplicative effort, ensuring cost reduction, and maximizing reimbursement. Finally, discover key reporting components for internal stakeholders.

Presented by Nicole Keller, Larry DeHoyos & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/14/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 1

Where Do I Fit In?

Explore today’s healthcare landscape and the evolving role of the MSP in this introduction to Medical Staff Services.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 3/18/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 2

Credentialing: Oh, That’s What You Mean!

Credentialing practices vary by environment. Unpack industry terminology and examine credentialing differences in hospitals, managed care, practice management, and credentials verification organizations.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Patty Clark. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/1/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 3

COVID-19: Ready to Adapt to Rules Changes

COVID-19 is turning credentialing upside down and everyone is experiencing information overload. Tap into the most critical credentialing rule modifications so that you can work quickly and accurately.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Larry DeHoyos. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/15/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 4

Where’s My Risk Management Hat?

Credentialing helps to ensure patient safety, but it’s also a mechanism for mitigating legal risk. Discover jaw-dropping legal cases that go to the heart of credentialing and the ways in which the MSP can further organizational risk management goals.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Leslie Foltz. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/6/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 5

Let’s Solve the Standards Puzzle!

It’s a challenge to thread the CCVS needle using NCQA standards. Gather proven methodologies for verification practices and sources for appointment, reappointment, and clinical privileges.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Leslie Foltz. 1 Hour. Recorded 5/20/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 6

Ready, Set, Evaluate!

Navigate the maze of professional evaluations and performance improvement by understanding the roles of FPPE, OPPE, peer review, and behavior evaluations. Learn how to develop collaborative processes that collect meaningful data, streamline privileging, and contribute to patient safety.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Nicole Keller. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/3/20

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Credentialing Excellence
Episode 7

It’s Your Turn!

The TMG Team takes questions.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Larry DeHoyos, Nicole Keller, Stephanie Russell & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/17/20

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Breaking New Ground
Episode 1

Peak Performance: Credentialing Best Practices

Credentialing is the cornerstone of patient safety. It’s also an ever-evolving field. Donna and Stephanie will take you on a credentialing journey that begins with the basics and ends with the cutting-edge challenges destined to chart the future course of the industry. Construct a foundational understanding of credentialing structures, processes, and outcomes, and build in the nuances of telemedicine, locum tenens, and delegated credentialing. The tools you acquire are sure to boost your effectiveness now and in the future.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors. 2 Hours. Recorded 5/13/20

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Breaking New Ground
Episode 2

Countdown to Cooperation: Top 10 Payer Enrollment & Credentialing Solutions

MSPs are the gatekeepers of patient safety and payer enrollment specialists are the gatekeepers of revenue management. During this introduction to payer enrollment, discover how to create synergy between those responsible for the credentialing process and those responsible for payer enrollment to more effectively achieve organizational goals. Then, gain insight into the top ten payer enrollment challenges and solutions.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors. 2 Hours. Recorded 5/13/20

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Personal & Professional Development 1

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership + Working with APPs

Two fantastic webinars back-to-back for 3-1/2 hours of educational excellence: “Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Why it Matters” + “Tame the Confusion: Working with the Non-Physician Practitioner.”

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Yesenia Servin. 3.5 Hours. Recorded 10/16/20

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Personal & Professional Development 2

Career Catalyst: Develop Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is more than a social network. It’s a career catalyst. Yet many MSPs aren’t leveraging the power of LinkedIn to grow their networks and advance their professional goals. This hands-on webinar will jumpstart your LinkedIn profile. By the end of the webinar, you’ll have the tools you need to launch or strengthen your profile and understand how to connect with MSPs and other professionals on the platform.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Sally Smith. 1 Hour. Recorded 6/24/20

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Personal & Professional Development 3

Rebound Stronger: Recovering from Your Certification Exam

If you took your certification exam and didn’t achieve the results you hoped for, you’re not alone. Learn how to reframe your experience, highlight the insights you gained, and develop your future plans. Understand what may have tripped you up and how to create a clear path forward.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Jennifer Froemel. 1 Hour. Recorded 2/23/21

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Personal & Professional Development 4

Sowing Seeds: Blossom in Your Workplace

The myriad hurdles and pressures that MSPs face can create a survival mindset. Discover steps that enable you to move from surviving to thriving in the workplace. From self-care and on-the-job communication strategies to mastering emotions and cultivating compassion, this roadmap will guide you toward achieving the career fulfillment you deserve.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Stephanie Russell. 1 Hour. Recorded 8/12/20

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Personal & Professional Development 5

Scaling the Summit: Conquering Test Anxiety

Everyone has a case of nerves when preparing for their certification exam. But it’s important not to let test anxiety paralyze you and jeopardize your success. Discover a roadmap for conquering test anxiety and proven techniques to reach the finish line.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Tami West. 1 Hour. Recorded 3/29/21

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Personal & Professional Development 6

Innovation & Imagination: Solving Medical Staff Services Staffing Shortages

Organizations are facing unprecedented staffing shortages in Medical Staff Services and leaders are scrambling to optimize staff, retain employees, and recruit new team members. Identify the competencies needed in Medical Staff Services and explore short-, medium-, and long-term solutions for creating and maintaining a robust department.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors and Maggie Wilkerson. Recorded 11/2/22.



Dealing with Covid 1

Righting the Ship: Successfully Navigating COVID-19

COVID-19 has turned Medical Staff Services – especially credentialing and payer enrollment – into a rolling ocean of information. It’s critical to tap into the most critical credentialing and enrollment rule modifications and find the nuggets that allow you to work quickly and accurately. Learn how to adapt rule changes into your practice structures. Get an insider’s view on how this virus continues to impact the personal and professional lives of MSPs.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors & Larry DeHoyos. 1 Hour. Recorded 7/23/20

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Dealing with Covid 2

Stronger Together: Payer Enrollment COVID-19 FAQs

COVID-19 has caused many practices and health systems to scramble, rushing to find new ways to care for patients while also maintaining revenue streams. Against this backdrop, payer enrollment specialists are bracing themselves for claims that will hit the clearinghouses and bounce back. In the face of information overload, it can be hard to know where to turn for answers.

Presented by Donna Goestenkors, Larry DeHoyos & Yesenia Servin. 1 Hour. Recorded 4/2/20

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