Blue Skies Ahead

Blue Skies Ahead


Boost your skills as an MSP!

The MAMSS Educational Series, “Blue Skies Ahead,” offers MSPs new skillsets, thought leadership, and hot takes on trending topics.

On-demand recorded webinars are available for these topics:
Racing to the Finish Line: How to Win at Delegated Credentialing
Down to Earth: Real Talk About Credentialing Systems
New Horizons: Linking Healthcare Quality to Physician Competence
Making Connections: Telemedicine & Credentialing by Proxy
Gold Star Credentialing: Best Practices for Achieving Compliance
Better Together: Merging Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

Registration: $35 each or $175 for 6-part series

Scroll down for descriptions and objectives.

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Racing to the Finish Line
How to Win at Delegated Credentialing

Delegated credentialing streamlines processes, but the delegator still must ensure that the delegated work conforms with industry standards. Join Team Med Global and learn winning negotiation tactics, accepted auditing standards and practices, and keys to relationship management.

1. Describe the 3 primary responsibilities of delegates
2. Identify 6 standards involved in the auditing process
3. Explain 4 strategies that support strong partnerships

Down to Earth
Real Talk About Credentialing Systems

While the healthcare system is relentlessly advancing and evolving, credentialing systems can remain mired in the Stone Age. Join Team Med Global and explore a new era of credentialing, one in which redesigned systems create efficiencies that deliver value throughout the organization.

1. Identify 3 indicators of an outdated credentialing system
2. Describe 5 key elements of credentialing redesigned
3. Explain efficiency benchmarks used to evaluate value

New Horizons
Linking Healthcare Quality to Physician Competence

As healthcare quality data is increasingly tied to an organization’s revenue streams, MSPs must move beyond viewing physician performance solely as a credentialing tool. Join Team Med Global in exploring the connections between credentialing and healthcare quality, along with the implications for the future of the MSP profession.

1. Identify the parallels between healthcare quality data and physician performance tracking
2. Describe how understanding revenue implications breaks down organizational silos
3. Explain the potential for and implications of merging healthcare quality and performance data

Making Connections
Telemedicine & Credentialing by Proxy

Telemedicine providers may never set foot in a facility, yet they’re held to the same standards as onsite physicians. Join Team Med Global to up your knowledge of Medicare CoPs and other telemedicine accreditation standards, and how to onramp telemedicine credentialing and privileging into existing processes.

1. Explain telemedicine standards across regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies
2. Identify 5 telemedicine credentialing challenges
3. Describe 3 strategies to more quickly onboard telemedicine providers

Gold Star Credentialing
Best Practices for Achieving Compliance

Verifying and evaluating practitioner credentials is critical, but so is managing decision makers’ expectations and circumventing misunderstandings. Join Team Med Global to learn how to lay the groundwork for informed discussions about competency measurements among medical staff leaders, administrative leaders, and MSPs.

1. Identify 20 key elements of credentialing verification
2. Describe the differences between standard practices and best practices
3. Explain a standardized process for performing credentialing verification

Better Together
Merging Credentialing and Payer Enrollment

Increasingly, healthcare organizations are combining payer enrollment and credentialing. This integration is occurring in environments ranging from hospital systems to managed care, often as a result of organizational mergers and acquisitions or departmental consolidations. Join Team Med Global and discover the functions of this new frontier, which include credentialing, billing, and contracting.

1. Identify 5 parallels in payer enrollment and credentialing processes
2. Describe 3 reasons to merge credentialing and payer enrollment functions
3. Explain the 8 steps of the pre-enrollment process and the four steps of the post-enrollment process

Additional information

Blue Skies Ahead

6-Part Series – $175, Delegated Credentialing – $35, Credentialing Systems – $35, Healthcare Quality – $35, Telemedicine – $35, Gold Star Credentialing – $35, Merging Credentialing & PE – $35

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